YellowPages Data Extractor Premium

Our Yellowpages data extractor combines the speed of AI based web scraping with rigorious QA and manual review to ensure highest quality data possible.

It is well known that data extractors break easily whenever a website changes its format. Hence, we combine advanced AI extraction with manual QA process to make sure our yellowpages scraper is extracting data correctly.

✓ All our plans come with a personal relationship manager so getting the data is as easy as writing an email to your own inhouse data analyst and getting the data as CSV/Excel/JSON.

We want to make it extremely efficient for our customers to get yellowpages data without any learning curve on using a user dashboard etc.

With us, all you have to do is talk or email your relationship manager, describe the data you want and Boom! get it in your inbox. is incredibly powerful resource but its hard to set up the data extractors correctly since in addition to keyword you want to search (say restaurants), you need to know how many pages to scrape and for how many city/state/zipcodes. All web extractors on the market today ask you to submit a CSV with zipcodes of locations or city/state names. Compiling this information and deduplicating the results is time consuming.

With our premium yellowpages data extractor plans, you simply talk with your relationship manager like you would do to your own data analyst, let him do the hard work of data cleaning, deduplication and generating input queries and you simply get the data delivered to your inbox. For example, our clients can just initiate scraping by telling their relationship manager to fetch all yellowpages results for a keyword (say, lawyers) for all cities/towns/counties with a population of more than 10,000 people for Georgia, Arizona, Alabama etc.

Only our service can use these advanced US census powered descriptive queries since your relationship manager that can translate this into query parameters.

✓ Specrom Yellowpages web extractor works right out the box with zero setup time. You talk with your relationship manager and start getting the yellowpages data.

No need to waste time in manually selecting fields to scrape from the website such as do-it-yourself (DIY) web scrapers, such as Octoparse, Scrapestrom, Prowebscraper.

✓ Our yellowpages web scraper runs completely in the cloud

So that you do not risk exposing your local computer to viruses and trojans by downloading and continuously running a scraping software like some of our competitors such as Reoon, Scrapebox or YP scraper chrome extension.

✓ Freelancers on Upwork, Fiverr, etc. literally refer to the book we wrote on web scraping!!

You can probably find hundreds of freelancers on all major platforms offering yellowpages web scraping services. The major reason why customers are choosing us over them is the consistency and quality of our services.

All of our relationship managers are experts in web scraping and crawling at scale. Our cofounder and Principal Data Scientist, Jay M. Patel, has also published a bestselling book with Apress (Springer Imprint) called “Getting Structured Data from the Internet Running Web Crawlers/Scrapers on a Big Data Production Scale” (2020).

✓ We offer 100% customer satisfaction guarantee for the first month and if you are not satisfied with our service for any reason than we will issue a refund without any terms or conditions.

Choose Pricing

Save 30% On Annual Subscription

$99 \Month \Year


  • Personal relationship manager
  • Data field includes Business Name, Street,City, Zipcode, Phone, Website
  • 1 million rows/month
  • 1 concurrent scraping job
  • Data retention for 7 days
  • Basic geographical query such as by city, two letter state code, zipcode, region (Southeast US, Mountain west) etc.
  • Advanced descriptive queries based on US census data (such as search for the keyword in all cities above XYZ population)
  • Geocoding of addresses (latitude, longitude)
  • Email addresses and social media profiles
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$199 \Month \Year


  • Personal relationship manager
  • Data field includes Business Name, Street,City, Zipcode, Phone, Website
  • 3 million rows/month
  • 3 concurrent scraping job
  • Data retention for 14 days
  • Basic geographical query such as by city, two letter state code, zipcode, region (Southeast US, Mountain west) etc.
  • Advanced descriptive queries based on US census data (such as search for the keyword in all cities above XYZ population)
  • Geocoding of addresses (latitude, longitude)
  • Email addresses and social media profiles
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$499 \Month \Year


  • Personal relationship manager
  • Data field includes Business Name, Street,City, Zipcode, Phone, Website
  • 100 million rows/month
  • 10 concurrent scraping job
  • Data retention for 21 days
  • Basic geographical query such as by city, two letter state code, zipcode, region (Southeast US, Mountain west) etc.
  • Advanced descriptive queries based on US census data (such as search for the keyword in all cities above XYZ population)
  • Geocoding of addresses (latitude, longitude)
  • Email addresses and social media profiles
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