AI Models Marketplace

1. Pre-trained AI models

Our pre-trained AI models gives you actionable insights from text and image data extracted from all kinds of domains such as social media, news, ecommerce, financial services fields.

You can combine any data marketplace module with pretrained AI models to get an end to end solution.

Using our models is as easy as making a single API call.

Don't see what you need?

Let us create a custom AI/machine learning model trained specifically for your use case.

Order Now from $199

2. Customized GenAI, LLM, & Foundation Models

We can evaluate and deploy customized AI models tailored to your use case by using foundation models (FM) from all major providers.

We believe that LLM and GenAI models are commodities. Instead of selecting a single model to perform all tasks, we offer our clients a comprehensive range of FMs.

When choosing the best FM, important considerations include cost, maximum prompt length (how much text the model can process at once), the ability to fine-tune the model, and whether the model developer has access to your data.

Some top models are not self-deployable, meaning the model developer may use your data for future training (as outlined in their user agreement).

We deploy custom models so that you can access them with a single API call, simplifying the process and hiding all the complexities!

Model Name Developer Task Cost Max Prompt Length Fine-Tuning Possible? Self-Deployable?
bart-large-cnn Meta Summarization $ 1024 tokens Yes Yes
bart-large-mnli Meta Classification, Sentiment Analysis $ 1024 tokens Yes Yes
bart-large-xsum Meta Summarization $ 1024 tokens Yes Yes
bert-base-uncased Google Classification, Sentiment Analysis $ 512 tokens Yes Yes
distilbert-base-uncased Hugging Face Classification, Sentiment Analysis $ 512 tokens Yes Yes
gpt-2 OpenAI Text Generation $$ 1024 tokens Yes Yes
gpt-j EleutherAI Text Generation $$$ 2048 tokens Yes Yes
gpt-neo EleutherAI Text Generation $$ 2048 tokens Yes Yes
roberta-base Meta Classification, Sentiment Analysis $ 512 tokens Yes Yes
xlm-roberta-base Meta Translation, Classification $$ 512 tokens Yes Yes
finetuned-gpt-j-6b EleutherAI Text Generation, Chatbot $$$$ 2048 tokens Yes Yes
fast-gpt-j EleutherAI Text Generation $$$ 2048 tokens Yes Yes
flan-t5-xl Google Summarization, Question Answering $$$$ 512 tokens Yes Yes
t5-base Google Summarization, Question Answering $$ 512 tokens Yes Yes
t5-large Google Summarization, Question Answering $$$ 512 tokens Yes Yes
Jurassic-1 Jumbo AI21 Labs Text Generation, Summarization, Question Answering $$$ 8192 tokens - 256k tokens No No
Claude Anthropic Text Generation, Dialogue Generation $$$ upto 200k tokens No No
Titan Amazon Text Summarization $$ 32k tokens Yes No
Gemini Family Google Text Generation, Code Generation, Image Understanding $$$ Variable Yes No
LaMDA Google Dialogue Generation, Question Answering $$ Variable Yes No
PaLM 2 Google Text Generation, Code Generation, Translation $$ Variable Yes No
GPT-3 (davinci, curie, etc.) OpenAI Text Generation, Code Generation $$$ 4096 tokens Yes No
GPT-4 OpenAI Text Generation, Code Generation, Image Understanding $$$$ 8192 tokens (32k tokens for GPT-4-32k) Yes No
Cohere Command Cohere Text Generation, Summarization $$ Variable No No
MPT MosaicML Text Generation, Code Generation $$$ Variable No Yes
LLaMA Meta Text Generation, Code Generation $$$ Variable Yes Yes
ERNIE 3.0 Titan Baidu Text Generation, Question Answering, Summarization (Chinese) $$$ Variable No No
WuDao 2.0 BAIC Technology Text Generation, Question Answering (Chinese) $$$ Variable No No
Megatron-LM NVIDIA Text Generation $$$ Variable No No
Stable Diffusion Stability AI Image Generation $$$ Variable Yes Yes
Mistral MistralAI Text Generation $$$ Variable No Yes