Specrom Social Listening Service

Free Wordcloud Generators

  • Youtube comments wordcloud generator: Youtube comments are frequently incredibly useful in tracking feedback from general audience. All major companies use text analytics on comment sections of product reveal videos of their products to tailor fine tune their digital marketing strategy. Our free youtube comments wordcloud generator creates wordclouds from most recent 100 comments. Contact us now if you want to generate wordclouds from all the comments.

  • Reddit wordcloud generator: There are three ways to generate the wordclouds using Reddit wordcloud generator.

    • You can search the entire Reddit for a particular keyword and generate a wordcloud from top 100 search results.

    • Specify a subreddit and generate a wordcloud from top 100 posts in a particular subreddit

    • Specify both a keyword and a subreddit and generate a wordcloud from search results matching the keyword only in that particular subreddit.

Contact us to get a quote for generating wordcloud by including all the search results instead of restricting it to top 100 results.

  • News wordcloud generator: Extract full text from any news url and generate a wordcloud. In our premium version, you can enter a keyword to search latest news to generate a wordcloud and perform sentiments analysis.

Premium Social Listening

Generating wordclouds from news websites, Reddit, Youtube, Twitter is just tip of the iceberg, our premium Specrom social listening plans gives you targeted insights about a keyword or group of keywords at a predetermined frequency (hourly, daily, weekly). Some examples of keywords are your name, brand, competitors, events, products or product categories.

The scope of social listening can include simply tracking comments or new posts on one particular platform such as Reddit, Twitter, or comments section of youtube videos. You can also track customer reviews on ecommerce sellers such as Amazon or Walmart.

We can also do broad scale social listening by tracking keywords on over 40,000 local, regional, and national news portals, influencer blogs and web forums. This kind of broad scoped social listening enables you to not only understand what your potential customers are saying about you, but also power your public relations (PR) efforts.

We have historical data going back till 2015 so you can not only spot the trends before they’re trending but also see how trends peak and fall.

How Specrom Social Listening Helps Businesses?

  • Compare your marketing efforts against the competition by tracking the best-performing keywords, trends and themes which can help you predict your competitors’ next moves.

  • Increase awareness about how audience is perceiving your business and discover brand influencer, bloggers, and reporters to help spread your message.

  • Get a high level overview of the competitive landscape so that you can flag opportunities and anticipate future threats to stay ahead of the competition.


Our social listening prices start from $49/month for our basic plan that includes one platform (Reddit/Twitter/Amazon comments) and one keyword.

Please contact us today to get a quote for your requirements. As you might have probably guessed, pricing for social listening is dependent on the scope (how many websites to track), how many keywords to track, and lastly, the types of insights such as wordcloud, Author/influencer contact details, sentiments analysis, language filtering etc.